Kindness Campaign

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, 
but people will never forget how you made them feel.—Maya Angelou
The 2024 Kindness Campaign 
September 20 - November 8

Each week, two story chapters will be available both in text and audio formats. On the "in-between" days, participants are invited to take part in the suggested activities to immerse themselves in the experience.

An optional quiz will be available for those who want to test their memory and comprehension (or teach young readers). Section 2 of each chapter quiz is a task which is required to unlock the next chapter. There are 10 chapters total.

Signing up unlocks the first chapter, however the chapter will not go live until September 20, so you won't see much if you click on the link before then.

As with most Omni Tales stories, there is at least one clickable link per chapter that will take readers to interactive content. It's nothing fancy. Just a little something fun to make folks smile. Additionally, there will be digital print-on-demand goodies included here and there. The audio versions of the chapters (as mentioned above) will be available on YouTube.

For those who want to learn more about what we do or continue on with us after the campaign confetti is swept up, we'll be holding a Wrap Party online on Friday, November 8. Expect prizes, surprises, and assorted shenanigans!

 Sign up here!