Feel free to ask us questions anytime—especially during our private Facebook group (Adventures in Education), or via email at Genie@OmniOcademy.com.

  • What age group is this activity intended for? Primarily ages 8-88. The entire family can find aspects of the story that resonate with them
  • What is the purpose of the Kindness Campaign? To inspire people to serve as positive role models for children and adults alike, and for folks to see the value in treating people the way they themselves would like to be treated
  • How many chapters are there in the stories? The Mark of X (for all ages) has 10 chapters, with 2 chapters released per week. Marked for Adventure (for ages 13+) has 13 chapters, with 3 chapters released per week
  • How do I "unlock" chapters? The Mark of X included a "task" for each chapter that needs to be completed in order to unlock the next chapter. This might be anything from helping a friend to giving thoughts about how to handle a particular situation. Marked for Adventure does not have an "unlocking" aspect. For those who want to immerse themselves in that story we offer curriculum-level Growing Eager Readers lessons (along with educator trainings) through Omnimmersive Learning Experiences
  • Can I get the story, The Mark of X, as a complete book? Yes! It's available on Amazon in Kindle ebook and paperback formats. 
  • How can I get my school, pod, or learning group involved? Reach out to us via Genie@OmniOcademy.com. We'd love to chat with you! And feel free to invite them to download our CHAPTERS & ACTS OF KINDNESS daily worksheet to log their participation and progress
I think probably kindness is my number one attribute in a human being. I’ll put it before any of the things like courage or bravery or generosity or anything else.” — Roald Dahl