Mark of X - Chapter Two

Tuesday September 24 

Chapter Two — Into the Fire

Tanna led Xerena two doors down to a shop named Volumes & Verses. There she bustled Xerena up and down the aisles, filling a basket to overflowing to ensure Xerena had everything she could ever need in the way of school books and supplies. The errand was a blur to Xerena who spent most of the time looking at the back of her hand where Finn had kissed it.

“Can you see to it these things are delivered?” Tanna asked the girl at the counter as they checked out. “Thanks. We have a full schedule getting my new Ward sorted out in one day instead of the usual five.”

The clerk smiled. “It would be my pleasure. And welcome to Omni!”

Xerena smiled back. “Thank you. I really do feel wwwelcome.”

Once they stepped out of the bookstore and returned to The Hub, Tanna stopped and turned in place. “Right then. Next stop, the Aesculapian Ward for routine medical testing and debugging. This way.”


“Only if needed. As soon as everything checks out okay, we’ll head to Habitual Habiliments to get you fitted for your uniform. It’s really just for alterations since they’ve been expecting you. Sorry, by the way, about you not having an Aetherean guide.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s someone who looks after you during Appraisement … and afterward too if you hit it off and get on well. But since Appraisement ended before you got here, they thought I, as your Warden, could show you the ropes.”

“Well you’re doing a vvvery good job so fffar.”

Tanna put an arm around Xerena’s shoulder. “Thanks Xaena. You’re gonna fit in just great.”

“Actually, it’s Xerena.”

“Xaena’s your official nickname – the short version of how your name sounds. I’ll never be able to manage Xerena. Can’t roll my Rs.”

A wave of relaxation washed over Xerena, and the worries of her first few moments on campus with the meanies dissolved.

First time I’ve ever had a real nickname. Mom calling me firefly does not count!

* * *

Tanna had arranged to chaperone Xerena to all of her classes that day to help her get the lay of the land. Since the morning was spent on errands, they did not get to any of Xerena’s morning classes: History and Cosmology, Ethics, Dimensional Distinctions, and Somatic Defence. By the time they got to the Comestibles Commons (campus dining hall), Xerena was famished.

Her first on-campus meal was comprised of a twelve-inch submarine sandwich delivered by pneumatic tube, along with salads prepared tableside in steel drums by servers who played a tune as they mixed the ingredients. Xerena giggled in glee.

I wonder if all the meals here are this much fun!

Tanna gave Xerena a box in which to put their dessert—half a dozen tiramisu fingers for each of them—then they dashed off to Xerena’s afternoon classes: Language, Animal Comprehension, Climatology, The Great Mother, and Sports.

How are we supposed to do sports when there are no dragons on campus to ride?

Xerena did her best to take notes during her classes, but she kept nodding off, her energy dropping after so much stimulation throughout the day. Upon arriving at the Ignis sports arena, she woke right up at the sight of a fast-moving coulee.

“Whoooooaaaaaa. Is that a river of lava?” she whispered.

“Mmm hmmm. This is where we surf.”

“You actually do coulee surfing? I’d always heard of it, but never really believed it was real.”

“I’m not very good at it, truth be told. I much prefer the Lava Luge. My dream is to compete as a luger in the Tranzl games when they come around again in a few years.”

“I’ve heard of those. We have something like them called the Olympics where I come from.”

“Ahhh that’s right. You’re from planet Gaia. Lots of you Gaians have been coming to the Ocademy in recent years … So … whaddaya say …”

“About …”

“Wanna be my luge partner?”

Xerena shrugged. “Sure! I’d be honored!”

“Good! Cuz no one else I’ve asked said yes.”


~ space inserted here to give young readers a break ~

After getting a thorough tutorial on the basics of luging, Xerena’s brain was too full to take in any more. All she wanted to do was have dinner and go to bed.

She trudged back to the dining hall trailing Tanna, her eyelids drooping. Unlike at lunch when Tanna sat alone with Xerena to give her intel on how things worked, now at dinner, they sat at a table where every seat was occupied by an Ignin.

“There she is,” said a burly fellow sitting at the end of the table. He looked seasoned for his years, with eyes that crinkled warmly at the corners, an ample belly, and an infectious booming laugh.

Xerena could have sworn he was looking right at her, but she knew that couldn’t be right, as they’d never met. She turned her head left and right to identify who he was referring to.

“Xerena, right?”

Her eyes widened in surprise.

He was talking to me!

“Xaena for short,” Tanna said.

The fellow stroked his beard and nodded. “I like it. Come here and let me get a look at you.” He held his arms open wide as Xerena tip-toed over to him. Once she was within reach, he pulled her into a bear hug and whispered, “I’m Frankie. Finn told me to make sure to give you plenty of hugs to keep the stuttering at bay. That all right with you?”

Her limbs pinned, she merely nodded.

He released her. “Too tight?”

“Actually, I wouldn’t know. I can’t feel much in this back brace.”

He burst out laughing and instructed the person sitting to his right to scoot down and make room for Xerena. “Xaena, lift your plate.”

She did so, having no idea what the purpose was.

Just then a volley of crêpes floated down from an upper arcade where a host of gnomes were cooking and flinging the thin pancakes.

“Are those gnomes?” she asked quietly.

“Indeed they are. Gnook Gnomes.”

“Why are they called Gnook Gnomes?”

“Because they’re gnomes and this is the Gnook.”

“I thought this was the Commestibles Commons.”

“Most people call it the Gnook.”

“Biggest nook I’ve ever seen!”

He gave her a wink and pointed to the trolley that was wheeling toward them. “Sweet or savory fillings?”

“Ehrm, both?”

He chuckled heartily. “Good answer!”

~ space inserted here to give young readers a break ~

While Frankie entertained those at the table with a tale about his exploits during the school break, Xerena took advantage of the opportunity to survey the space that was even bigger than The Hub.

The room was round with a domed ceiling that resembled the sky and a brilliant sun shining straight overhead. A series of mahogany Corinthian columns ornamented with brass capitals supported the structure, uninterrupted except for the balcony where the Gnook Gnomes were preparing and distributing the crêpes.

Polished wood paneling ran around the room’s long circular wall up to waist high, capped by wainscoting. The upper portion of the ground floor wall was composed of etched frosted glass, as was the balcony’s wall. Separating the balcony from the sky was crown molding studded with brass rosettes.

Those rosettes kind of look like Tanna’s rosette tie. I wonder if the rosette symbol has some kind of meaning heres.

Sitting against the curved wall at intervals were carved sideboards, each outfitted with a set of three samovars, cups, mugs, glasses, and spoons.

Although hungry, Xerena merely picked at her food. The surroundings and new faces were a lot to take in, and more than anything, she just wanted to go to bed.

When Tanna caught Xerena dozing off, she suggested they retire to their room. Xerena gave a thumbs-up in gratitude. As they exited the Gnook, they walked by a table of Nitrins, Finn among them. He looked up and gave Xerena a big smile and a wave. She sputtered and waved limply in return.

Could I be more lame?

When they crossed The Hub and got to the Brink—the gateway that kept everyone other than Ignins out of the Ignis dormitories—Xerena stopped in her tracks.

“Don’t be afraid. Just walk on through,” Tanna said.

“Walk through a life-size fireplace with flames taller than me?” Whether it had been the hugs or because of her current level of abject fear, Xerena’s stutter had departed.

“You’ll be fine!” Tanna encouraged, pushing her toward the roaring fire. “That stamp on your forehead will protect you. Go on through.”

“Stamp? What stamp? I don’t have a stamp!”

“Oh.” Tanna chuckled awkwardly. “Woops.”


(The end of Chapter 2)

Wednesday September 25

Thursday September 26
Consult the school's Piddlypedia student handbook to determine Finn’s or Tanna’s grade level (based on the descriptions of their Kuro Liveries—uniforms) 
Complete this Key Task linked in the 2nd section of the Chapter Quiz then click the Submit button at the end of the quiz. (The page you'll be taken to will have a link to unlock the next chapter.) 


Once you're done with 2 chapters and your first full week, consider celebrating with one or more of the noshes mentioned:
Mango, submarine sandwich, steel drum salad, Tiramisu fingers, crêpes

As a reward, here's a correlated Spot the Differences game from the Museum of Yore for fun
{click on image to enlarge, answer is upside at bottom]